

Calculate the ensemble average for the calculated values in the column ‘cal’ of the argument <dataArray> over models of the PDB file.

extract_atom_data(data[, csa, separateModels])

Extract values required for PCS/PRE calculations

extract_ccr_data(data[, separateModels])

Extract values required for CCR calculations

extract_rdc_data(data[, separateModels])

Extract values required for RDC calculations

fit_error_bootstrap(fittingFunction, …)

Perform uncertainty analysis sourcing noise from fractioning the experimental data.

fit_error_models(fittingFunction, **kwargs)

Perform uncertainty analysis sourcing noise from cooridinates as defined by models of the PDB structure.

fit_error_monte_carlo(fittingFunction, …)

Perform uncertainty analysis sourcing noise from experimental uncertainties This function takes a fitting routine <fittingFunction> and repeats it for the specified iterations in a Monte-Carlo approach.

gridsearch_fit_atom_from_pcs(metals, dataArrays)

Calculate likely regions for an atom on a grid using an experimental PCS value and multiple delta-chi-tensors.


Given two RMSD density maps, this function will compare all points pairwise and return only those within the bounds of a given distance cutoff and within a certain number of points that are that are sorted by RMSD value.


Given two RMSD density maps, this function will compare all points pairwise and return only those within the bounds of a given distance cutoff and within a given RMSD cutoff.

metal_standard_deviation(metals, params)

Calculate the standard deviation in parameters <params> for a list of metal objects <metals>.

nlr_fit_metal_from_ccr(initMetals, dataArrays)

Fit Chi tensor to CCR values using non-linear regression.

nlr_fit_metal_from_pcs(initMetals, dataArrays)

Fit deltaChi tensor to PCS values using non-linear regression.

nlr_fit_metal_from_pre(initMetals, …[, …])

Fit Chi tensor to PRE values using non-linear regression.

pcs_gradient_orthogonality_cross(metals, …)

An experimental metric for calculating the likelihood of a particular nuclear position being well localised from multiple tensors.

pcs_gradient_orthogonality_dot(metals, position)

An experimental metric for calculating the likelihood of a particular nuclear position being well localised from multiple tensors.

qfactor(dataArray[, ensembleAverage, …])

Calculate the Q-factor to judge tensor fit quality

sphere_grid(origin, radius, points)

Make a grid of cartesian points within a sphere

svd_calc_metal_from_pcs(pos, pcs, idx, errors)

Solve PCS equation by single value decomposition.

svd_calc_metal_from_pcs_offset(pos, pcs, …)

Solve PCS equation by single value decomposition with offset.

svd_calc_metal_from_rdc(vec, …)

Solve RDC equation by single value decomposition.

svd_fit_metal_from_rdc(initMetals, dataArrays)

Fit deltaChi tensor to RDC values using Single Value Decomposition.

svd_gridsearch_fit_metal_from_pcs(…[, …])

Fit deltaChi tensor to PCS values using Single Value Decomposition over a grid of points in a sphere.


DensityMap(origin, size, density)

A class to help with calculations on a grid.